Project Description
The Institute holds experience in organising and conducting training courses related to the profile of its operations. We offer comprehensive organisation of training, i.e. by ensuring electronic process of registering the participants, accommodation, food, rooms, and audiovisual aids, as well as suitable trainers. Currently, we offer only bespoke trainings. If you are interested in training courses on the subjects presented below, or related subjects, and their pricing, please contact us at Duration of training is aligned with the client?s needs and advancement level.
- Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), European and National Spatial Information Infrastructure (INSPIRE),
- Geoinformation metadata ? requirement, development, and publication,
- GIS systems ? importing, processing, publishing data (QGIS, GeoMedia, Geoserver, Geonetwork and other),
- Harmonising spatial data in the context of INSPIRE,
- Understanding and application of data specifications and technical guidelines under INSPIRE,
- Application of UML, GML, XML as part of building IIP,
- Spatial Information Infrastructure (INSPIRE) services.